5 Natural Anabolic Supplements to Cycle Instead of SARMs

The pressure to take SARMs and prohormones is powerful, and it doesn’t help that both are very easy to get your hands on. However, before you decide to take any PED, consider running one of these natty anabolics.

Let’s be real, most guys who hop on gear did not reach their natty limit, even if they think they did. One can argue there is no real natty limit in the first place, but most guys don’t get close.

Do not underestimate your natural limit. That is, after all, why you think you need to use SARMs or other PEDs.

Nowadays, everyone will say “hey man just check your blood work and see if you need enclo or pct” – but there are other things to consider before taking gear, even if it’s legal. Maximize your lifestyle, sleep, eating habits, avoid alcohol, no smoking, etc. Hit your daily protein intake. Train hard every time you’re in the gym. Do not miss days!

Honestly, SARMs and prohormones work. But, one of the key reasons they work, is that guys all the sudden give their diet and training 100% to maximize their cycle gains. They train more. They eat more protein.

So look, these natural anabolics are your best option. These are all chosen based on feedback, supplement logs, ingredients, brand trustworthiness, etc. Things worth spending your money on, in a market full of trash.

CEL Anabolic Effect

competitive edge labs anabolic effect bottles

A 12-20 week cycle of Anabolic Effect will certainly help you surpass your current ceilings, whether you’re trying to build muscle or get stronger. All of the ingredients are known to aid in the muscle building process, and logs from users say it’s very similar to running a moderate prohormone cycle. It works, and it’s worked for users over and over. No PCT needed.

What to expect: The “on feeling” that everyone talks about when they hop on a cycle. You will actually get that feeling when running Anabolic Effect. Better muscle pumps and better recovery kick in almost immediately(within the first week). After that, the effects simply become more enhanced. Week 4 is the best, and when you will wish you bought a few more bottles to run it longer.

Cycle length: Running it for four weeks is okay, but since it’s not toxic or harmful like SARMs, why not run it longer? Some guys run this for 20 weeks – but 8-12 weeks is probably ideal for most of us.

Comparable PED: LGD-4033


3 bottles of cel epi plex

Epicatechin is ideal for natural lifters, but it’s more effective when used during a cutting phase. Competitive Edge Lab’s Epi Plex has a high dose of epicatechin, plus VasoFlo+. This can be stacked with other natty anabolics for a stronger cycle.

What to expect: During the first week you will notice reduced muscle soreness + the ability to train harder or more frequently. If you’re cutting, you will definitely notice an increase in vascularity during the second week. Week 3 and beyond is where it shines, as you will then notice more muscle fullness throughout the day, and your pumps in the gym won’t wear off entirely.

Cycle length: No need to cycle, as Epicatechin can be taken long-term just like most supplements. It doesn’t shut down hormones, it’s a myostatin inhibitor and keeps your body in an anabolic state. If you want to cycle it, a high dose 4-8 week cycle will help you maintain muscle mass when you’re in a caloric deficit.

Comparable PED: Epiandro

Turk Builder Max

A bottle of turk max

This one is controversial, but only because the creator of this product is Greg Doucette, and 95% of the turkesterone supplements on the market are not real turk. It’s a shame, because the stuff is potent, and it does work.

My main problem with this product is the price, it’s not cheap. It’s worth it, as it’s the only real turk on the market… so yeah, even if you don’t like Greg Doucette, you gotta admit, he made a good product.

What to expect: So when you first take Turk Builder, you will notice an increase in energy. Mentally, you will be more alert. Take advantage of the energy and do more in the gym!! During week 4 is where this product really shines, so try to buy enough for at least an 8 week cycle. If you’re bulking, expect to build muscle mass and get stronger in the gym. If you’re cutting, expect to hold on to more muscle mass as you drop the calories. You will experience more energy throughout the cycle, try to avoid taking it before bed.

Cycle length: 6-12 weeks.

Comparable PED: Testosterone

Turk Builder is not always available due to high demand.

Black Lion Research Androgin

3 bottles of androgin

Black Lion Research promotes Androgin as if it’s a natural SARM and all-natural growth hormone secretagogue. It has nothing but good feedback across a variety of supplement websites and forums. This one is worth trying, but also stacking with something like Epi-Plex! The ingredients look very promising and one can expect a significant increase in progress while running a cycle of Androgin.

What to expect: Better sleep! The first result you will like notice is better sleep, which is something to expect when you’re dealing with a growth hormone secretagogue. Better sleep, improved hgh pulses at night. Week 3 is when the body composition changes start to show – as long as you’re eating right and training hard. Week 4 is the best, you really feel like you’re “on” cycle… like, a legit cycle.

Cycle length: 8-12 weeks.

Comparable PED: MK-677

AlphaDefy by Olympus Labs

This one is my secret weapon. AlphaDefy is like a natty Ostarine. No more getting tired fast during a training session. More energy to train longer. I once trained for 2.5 hours straight while running AlphaDefy, and I mean heavy barbell training not some silly circuit sh** with a bunch of breaks in between.

AlphaDefy really helps you defy your natty limits. Seriously, longer training, improved recovery to go with it. More training, better recovery = more gains.

What to expect: When I first ran it, I didn’t expect much. But after the first day, I took it pre-workout and had the best workout I’ve had in months. My energy was already elevated. This energy kind of built up and peaked around the 2nd week and remained throughout my entire 8 week cycle.

Cycle length: 4-8 weeks. There’s no need to cycle this, and you can technically take it with your creatine daily all year. However, like most muscle building supplements, the effects often wear off if you get used to them.

Comparable PED: Ostarine

Ultimate Natty Stack: Creatine, Carnitine, Epicatechin, and ZMA.

Those 4 supplements will completely optimize your natural training. Everyone talks about creatine and we all know it works. But, carnitine and epicatechin also work. If you want gains comparable to a mild steroid cycle, then optimize everything.

Epicatechin doesn’t get mentioned enough. It’s a myostatin inhibitor. Most of the trash on Amazon and in local stores doesn’t offer high quality epicatechin. I recommend going with the CEL Epi-Plex, it’s also got a good dose of VasoFlo+â„¢ in it to help with muscle fullness and pumps throughout the day.

Creatine, just get a basic cheap creatine monohydrate and take 3-5 grams per day.

Carnitine is insane for performance and metabolism. It’s not necessarily a fat burner, but it’s very effective at preventing calories from getting turned into fat. I’m not going to get into all the science here, but it’s proven to work. Liquid carnitine is great, so is powder or capsules. Injectable carnitine is similar to running gear, it’s that powerful. Stick with 3-5 grams per day.

ZMA to optimize for testosterone. Maybe add in some Tongkat Ali for that extra boost!!

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best preworkout under 30 for natty lifters who want epic pumps

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