My green tub of Jacked Factory Nitrosurge Pre-workout on my kitchen counter next to my creatine supplement

Jacked Factory NitroSurge Pre-Workout Review

Jacked Factory has done such a great job with pre-workouts that I often recommend them to friends and random people on reddit. Seriously, they are good, especially for the price. The first one I tried was a few years ago, the NitroSurge Build (yellow tub) version. Loved it, and have bought about 6 tubs of it since. The “Build” version has creatine, that’s the main difference and selling-point for me.

But, I have secured a ton of quality creatine for a low price and don’t need the extra from my pre anymore. So I got the green tub, the essential NitroSurge Pre-Workout. I believe it’s more potent as far as pump ingredients go, I’ll double check as I get further into the article..

First thing I noticed though – the scoop! It has a side for one scoop, and a side for two. This is a clever and very convenient thing they have added. When I purchased the Build version of their preworkout I did not notice that.

Jacked Factory NitroSurge Pre-Workout with 11 flavor options, and a subscribe and save option.

Tingles – I love Them!!!!

I started with just a little more than one scoop. I had just got done with my tub of NO-Xplode, so honestly wasn’t expecting much of a difference switching preworkouts..

Except the difference was very noticeable! The tingles were more dramatic than I have experienced in months. If you don’t like the tingles that many preworkouts give you, then avoid this one. I LOVE THEM! I know that sounds weird, but it basically tells me its time to lift some heavy weight!

The Pump – 5/5

This is definitely where the product outshines the competition. I don’t ever use 2 scoops, simply because I drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks, so I don’t need the extra caffeine. 1 or 1.5 scoops is what I typically use before a training session.

With just 1 scoop, the pump is definitely noticeable. It’s noticeably better than the pump I got from using NO-Xplode (which was great for energy and focus – just not the pump).

If you want the best pump possible, go with NitroSurge.

Energy and Focus – 5/5

I have noticed my energy levels have been down into my workouts. I get an epic pump but the energy and focus just isn’t what it was with NO-Xplode. It’s okay with me, I don’t need the extra boost, the pump is nice!! It’s all about your priorities and personal needs. If I cared that much I would just use 2 scoops for the extra caffeine.

After pausing this review and thinking about it more I have realize it kind of relaxes me, and I think that’s due to Theobromine and L-Theanine. The doses of these two ingredients aren’t high but they seem to work in a relaxing way. Which isn’t bad, I can definitely focus on what I’m doing when I train, I get a good pump, and it’s not too calm of a feeling. I just feel relaxed and focused rather than energized and focused haha – I’m also not sensitive to caffeine and only taking 1 or 1.5 scoops.

ingredients side of the bottle showing 1 vs 2 scoop dosage
Ingredients side of the bottle showing 1 vs 2 scoop dosage

Final Thoughts

You can pick up Jacked Factory NitroSurge for less than $30 – and if that’s your budget for a preworkout, go for it! I don’t think I will be changing pre-workouts anytime soon, and even if I try another one, I already ordered 3 more tubs of this one. I give it a 5/5 for pumps, a 5/5 for focus and another 5/5 for value.

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