Anthony Mantello Honest About Using SARMs as a Teen

Anthony Mentello has shocked fans with a brutally honest video, being transparent about his SARMs use as a teen. This website is all about natural bodybuilding, but one can’t deny that Anthony Mantello and influencers like him are a big inspiration.

Steroids or not, this guy has been dedicated to his goals! Unfortunately, his goal required the use of PEDs. However, he did what no one thought he would do – gave up on his goal.

Now yes, that sounds bad, but really, it’s not. He realized being a competitive bodybuilder at that level required unhealthy amounts of gear, and it also required him to hold way too much weight. He values life, and everything he has earned so far. He’s going back to aesthetics and working out for his own enjoyment, rather than trying to impress judges.

We can all respect that.. as Jay-Z says – “if you can’t respect that your whole perspective is wack”.

So in a newer video, he goes over how his journey with PEDs began. As a teen, he was too young to order SARMs online, so he had to get the help of a buddy who was old enough. He worked a regular job, got paid, and placed an order for his first stack.

Of course, the progress is addicting, and it didn’t stop after one cycle.

This is why, if you haven’t even got close to your natural limit, you should avoid PEDs. A lot of guys think they can run one cycle and get where they want.. and maybe they can. But, they will most likely want more. And once you train on gear vs off gear, it’s kind of depressing. It feels worthless, like you’re wasting your time.

If you never hop on gear, you never have to go through that mental barrier. And yes, it is a mental barrier, because natural lifters can actually get far with dedication, proper diet, and intense training.

Sure, it takes longer, but that’s okay. Unless you don’t enjoy lifting and you don’t want to do this for the rest of your life. Many of us love to lift weights, and we don’t care to shorten our lives for the immediate satisfaction of having more muscle.

What do you think? I personally think Anthony Mantello has made a great move here! I believe he’s still on TRT, but he was actually willing to hop off all the gear after hitting a lean 240lb weight goal. That’s not easy, many guys would lose their minds to lose all that muscle. He’s making an honest attempt to live a more healthy lifestyle.

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