Jacked Factory's Tongkat Ali

Jacked Factory’s Tongkat Ali Review (+ 2 Month LOG)

This is the first time I’ve ever taken a solo Tongkat Ali supplement. I have taken CEL M-Test in the past, which contains 500mg of Eurycoma Longifolia (Tongkat Ali). With that said, Jacked Factory offers 1000 MG of 200:1 Extract Tongkat Ali per 2 capsules. The bottle has 60 total servings, and cost less than $15. That’s a HUGE deal!

Normally, I would never consider it a solid option. Why? Too Cheap. How do I know they are legit? Well, I know Jacked Factory has some very legit pre-workout supplements. Their Nitro Surge line is very effective and definitely not under-dosed. So I presume their other supplements are legit as well, even their cheap Tongkat Ali.

Jacked Factory's Tongkat Ali ingredients label

Week One

The first week of taking Tongkat Ali was probably the best for me, as my energy and focus went through the roof. I mean, I felt like lifting more often and for a longer duration. Libido also way up. It didn’t take long to notice effects, whether placebo or not. The power of placebo is real, not gonna lie, but I definitely know when something is working.

Things I noticed on the first week:

  • Increased Endurance
  • Better Mood! I felt more relaxed and less stressed, even though I have a stressful job!
  • More Energy for Training
  • Increased Libido – More Morning Wood

Week Two

Not much to report here. I did a lot of reading on dosage and decided to lower it to make the Tongkat Ali last longer. Even though it’s cheap, I wasn’t concerned about having Low T to start. I’m 33, not 43. I don’t feel any different from how I did at 21 – not even a little bit. I don’t say this to brag, but I probably didn’t need a boost in testosterone.

However, week two was still great. The benefits from week one have continued through week two. Around this time, I had some things come up in my career life, so I went from working out 5 days per week to 3.

Week Three

Still working out only 3 days, this week is where I feel like the effects of Tongkat Ali started to fade. I upped the dose to 2 caps a day again, and only took it 5 out of 7 days to see if that would help with

I did a lot reading around this time and found some people have success with various dosing protocols, some guys take it 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Some stop taking it on weekends… I didn’t do any bloodwork so I just decided to take 2 days off and try again.

Week Four

After the 2 days off, I resumed taking it at 1 cap per day. I felt like I handled stress better, and I had more energy to lift. From here, I decided I will take a week off, and then finish up the bottle at 1 cap per day until it’s gone, possibly taking a day off here and there as I don’t think I need it on days where I’m not training.

Finishing The Bottle

As I just said, I continued to take 1 cap per day until the bottle was gone. I would take off days here and there when I wasn’t training.

So here’s the deal with Jacked Factory’s Tongkat Ali – it does work!

It’s subtle. Which is why week one was the best for me, it’s where I noticed the effects. As I got used to it, I feel like the effects became normal to me, so it was less noticeable. Taking a week off, and days off here and there definitely help with that.

Will I take it again? Yes!! It’s cheap, it might just be a new staple for me, like creatine. Except, I will take a week off once a month from here on out, and possibly just take 5 days on 2 days off. I think that’s the way to go, and it’s what I recommend everyone try.


Is Jacked Factory’s Tongkat Ali legit?

Yes! Expect results as little as 1-3 weeks. Results include improved mood, increased libido, and more energy throughout the day.

Where can you buy Jacked Factory’s Tongkat Ali supplement?

You can find all of their products online, at Amazon or via their official store.

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